Monday, July 20, 2009

up and away to cali!!!

Last post. I leave for SDCC soon so see ya soon with tons of updates

LFL to announce the entire Star Wars Saga to be animated, with more battle droids, more jar-jar, and more ewoks.

Friday, July 17, 2009

some like it hot

im on a hotsauce and curry kick right now. i tend to put it on everything at the moment. it will fade when i add it to tofutti cuties haha.
so here are my two favorites at the moment

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


holy crap we won at Trivia finally
well we got 2nd place. we wer tied for 1st and went to a tie breaker!!!!

our dinky 4 person team kicked ass finally

Sunday, July 12, 2009

and she calls me an Idiot

this is one of my best homies
but in Derby mode she is Jessticular Fortitude

Sesame Slayer

Sesame Street Slayer?
I think yes

Friday, July 10, 2009

Fancy Fast Food

How do


some people have waaaaaay too much time on their hand to take shit food and make it look like read deal not shit food. Now I do love the challenge on top chef but this was kinda batty.
thanks jager for pointing me to this

more here

SDCC time

star wars lightsaber chopsticks!!!! and glasses will be a must

Thursday, July 09, 2009

speaking of

speaking of good music
one of my top ten favorite bands of all time
and I never knew this existed

Awesome cover

this song alone is awesome but when Amanda Palmer covers it, its so good it bums me out
in a couple weeks ill see Amanda Play again in San Diego

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Survey thingy

got time to kill so here is one of those survey things

1. What car do you drive? Black Toyota Corolla
2. Do you wear perfume/cologne? Burberry
3. Favorite kind of steak? NOT VEGAN...Been veg since 1990 and vegan since late 04
4. Pet's names? Don't have any but I may get a bulldog and name her Nargle
5. Something you FAIL at? I cant blow bubbles with chewing gum, i dont ride my bike well. there you go two
6. Tom Cruise or Lindsey Lohan? they both suck
7. Dream Vacation? I basically want to go everywhere so there but I may try Hawaii, Fiji, or China soon
8. Apple or PC? smoke signals
9. Do you have a nickname? I go my Dr. Tickles. actually BoBo, B, Braddy, and a few others
10. Something you hate? people not listening to me

Saturday, July 04, 2009

snap crackle fizzle

it is the fourth of july

i cut some hedges
i went to the gym
i went to a pool party at my sister's
im wicked tired!!!!!
i listened to American Nightmare's "fuck what fireworks standfor" then i listened to Dido and Spirit Assembly
Now I'm home waiting to see if a couple friend come over. I got some tofutti cuties to grub and I think im gonna watch pirates of the carribean again, but I kinda think my tired ass will be out soon.
i bought a few fireworks but they got wet. DOH

Thursday, July 02, 2009

this is what we do

Once again my cohorts and I will go to Dragon Con in ATL
well this kinda sums it up

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

they are Fully Posable

yeah the pics ive seen of the new KAWS piece are great


watch what you be grubbin