Survey thingy
got time to kill so here is one of those survey things
1. What car do you drive? Black Toyota Corolla
2. Do you wear perfume/cologne? Burberry
3. Favorite kind of steak? NOT VEGAN...Been veg since 1990 and vegan since late 04
4. Pet's names? Don't have any but I may get a bulldog and name her Nargle
5. Something you FAIL at? I cant blow bubbles with chewing gum, i dont ride my bike well. there you go two
6. Tom Cruise or Lindsey Lohan? they both suck
7. Dream Vacation? I basically want to go everywhere so there but I may try Hawaii, Fiji, or China soon
8. Apple or PC? smoke signals
9. Do you have a nickname? I go my Dr. Tickles. actually BoBo, B, Braddy, and a few others
10. Something you hate? people not listening to me
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