Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Survey thingy

got time to kill so here is one of those survey things

1. What car do you drive? Black Toyota Corolla
2. Do you wear perfume/cologne? Burberry
3. Favorite kind of steak? NOT VEGAN...Been veg since 1990 and vegan since late 04
4. Pet's names? Don't have any but I may get a bulldog and name her Nargle
5. Something you FAIL at? I cant blow bubbles with chewing gum, i dont ride my bike well. there you go two
6. Tom Cruise or Lindsey Lohan? they both suck
7. Dream Vacation? I basically want to go everywhere so there but I may try Hawaii, Fiji, or China soon
8. Apple or PC? smoke signals
9. Do you have a nickname? I go my Dr. Tickles. actually BoBo, B, Braddy, and a few others
10. Something you hate? people not listening to me


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