SO I read this article a second ago for some reason. Why because this dumbfuck is trashing love circle with his huge eyesore of a house. Oh wait it isnt a house,it is a mansion. no wait it isnt even that, it looks like a mansion/containment cell. hardly any windows and im shocked there isnt a moat yet. he is one of these scared he is gonna get bombed or his mom is gonna get mombed kind of guys. Wow living in fear is no way to fucking live. but thats beside the point, he is just a fucking idiot. that is the point. The same kind of doof that was slamming the dixie chicks for speaking their mind and look what he does. Oh by the way, instead of laying blame on a guy that has been in office 3 fucking months bro, how bout you raise your finger to the one that was there 8 years?
What a fucking douche and waste of my fucking air.