Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Back from Dragon*Con and wow was it awesome.
SOOO MANY costumes and shenanigans. I mean where can I see a guy dressed as BARF and I yell "gimme paw" and he knows what to do?
I mean seriously. Where can I jump on a mad max car? or see a Wampa on vacation?
Here are some rad pics


Anonymous Tiffany said...

No Selfish rube people crashed you and Nick's Con party and stayed with you?
How can you attend a fest out of town and survive without such lack of respect for other's trips?
My sister should have shown up unannounced and unexpected, since you two are used to that!

1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fo Sho
After the bullshitz you guys had to deal with in Cali-forn-i-a, I'd be afraid to go anywhere.

Fuck the rude peeps homie and do what you do!

12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wanna go!

8:02 AM  

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