"No one calls Han Solo a bitch!"
All the ice prevented me from going to hockey, so I finally watched Fanboys!
loved it being one myself. My friend Woody has been quoting it for weeks now and I finally broke down and rented it. Good movie especially if you get all the references, I missed a couple tho haha.
Mental not, must find a fangirl tho. I knew the ultimate most gorgeous one once, but that Sleia has since been destroyed on Alderaan. Much to the fault of my own I know.
So if you are a Star Wars fan, check it out.
Woody, you sooo wanna go to tat biker bar i know.
Dude, I'm so glad you checked this movie out. All the sound effects references and jokes about Star Wars were just awesome.
Man finding a proper fangirl is fucking hard. Most don't really know shit or a womprats!
Who wouldn't want a hot short Princess like girl who knows her Star Wars?
Next time you find one duder, hold onto her for dear llife because they are diamonds!!!
Oh and you need to see the new Family Guy -- Empire spoof!
hey guys. i totally saw the Family Guy too. hahaha
love the profanity in it!
im making a sign for Dragon Con that will say "flash if you love wookies"
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