Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mystery solved

A few people have heard me ponder a conundrum over the past weekend. I also tweeted a few thoughts I guess.
Last Friday, I was heading home from my second home, (the gym) and I saw a weird person going thru the bushes near a McDonalds. This person from behind had several bags and weird things. I quickly blew it off as a homeless person in the burbs. Now this is very odd, since we kinda dont have them in my neck of the woods.
The next morning I leave to go to the gym at 6:45 AM and towards the same area, I see this person again. Upon seeing them from the front this time, I see that this person is a mid 20s female with lots of totes, bags, luggage, and a few jackets. Oh and did I mention she looks like Tina Fey? yeah Tina Fey. So why is this person that isnt dirty or anything hanging out on the sidewalk so early like she is waiting on someone. She seemed to be waiting for a ride?
Here are the conclusions I thought up in my head
1. homeless
2. junkie
3. arrived in town and people arent there yet who staying with
4. stranded traveling
5. doing the walk of shame from an interesting night

Now I was kinda bothered by this, and doubled back to see if she got picked up by her ride and to ask if she needed help. Well she was still there and I chickened out.
Now that same morning I finish my 2 hour workout and head back home. I stop off to get some tea and have a weird feeling weird girl is there. Gut feeling was correct, and at a booth was her bags. At this point I had to know her story since it was bugging the crap out of me. As I walked to ask her if she was ok, she went to the restroom. I waited for 30min for her to come out and she never did. She left all her belongings there, but I had to go, so out I went.
Ill skip ahead and say I saw her another time munching on chips one night.
Last night after the Preds game, I decided to give it another shot. Stopped off for tea at the same joint once again and as my gut would have it, her luggage was there. Once again she was in the restroom (i guess washing up forever). I waited and she came out and I think she stole some dudes food but saw that I saw her. She then gave me the evil eye. I dont think Tina Fey girl likes me because she kept giving me the stink eye. She grabbed her multitude of bags and was trying to leave but one piece of luggage was really heavy, and I offered to help her carry it. Well she gave me the "piss off" look again. out she went. Well I tried!
As I was leaving a couple came in looking for. I told her them she just left. After chatting it up with them for a bit I finally found out what this weird Tina Fey lookalike was up to. Yup homeless and those were some of her relatives. She refused help from them and she has some mental issues. At least my curiosity has now been satisfied.


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