Tuesday, November 10, 2009

a lil bit of this and a lil bit of that

First up a couple movies im stoked to see for two different reasons.
1. Ninja Assasin. Any kid growing up in the 80s probably remembers the really crappy tv show American Ninja and the Ninja magazine you look thru at the grocery store. Well at least I do. Loved both, so a Ninja movie makes me nostalgic
which brings me to
2. The Fantastic Mr. Fox. Alyssa said it best that it seems like a perfect holiday style film, and thats what it reminds me of. The glory days of Lady and the Tramp, Fox and the Hound, Labyrinth, and the dark Crystal!!!

Local vegan and web personality The Traveling Vegetarian did a nice article on a local eat ive actually never gone to. If you have never seen her show or page, check it out!!! Great veg food from across the country!
read the review of what BOUND'RY made for a multicourse vegan meal

BIGGGG Congrats to Mark Ryden and Marion Peck for getting married recently!

image from arrested Motion


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