Monday, November 17, 2008


I FINALLY got my most cherished and prized pieces framed over the weekend. Once again thanks eric for the framing and hookup and ideas. Here are two photos i was given years ago that i must say are my most cherished art pieces. They are personal value to me and they are just damn good. It has just taken me a long time to take them to the framers. Decided on not matting them and letting them have the look they were printed with, rough and artistic. It feels great to have my prized pieces finally done properly and doing them justice and to the person that shot/made them. considering its all i have left of them i guess.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow those look great. A real raw look to them with the printing and brings out the artistic side of it. I know you cherish these man, and I'm glad you finally did them justice. Congrats all around they look outstanding!

7:07 AM  

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