Friday, August 15, 2008

What I like

I got an email the other day asking what exactly do I like? Well I post what I like here or what I think is stupid. I think Supreme make ugly clothes and I think my spelling sucks. But what I do like is good art and fun or thinking art. I have no artistic talent but if i see something that makes me laugh, think, or just go "thats rad" then yeah i dig it. im not a fan of the rhetoric bullshit like tags and douchebags that are just trying to mark they were there. I like the artistic side or funny side or statement side. Tagging SYKO is rubbish. Below ill post a pic of something i like that is so dinky and simple.
Speaking of Nashville tho Ive seen and heard a few things I wanna get more pics of since I have no.
#1 this kid gets up from what ive seen PANDA, their work im curious on so email me pics if you got them. But if anyone knows this bloke or they are them, Dont fuck up good historic buildings you douchebag or the BRAND NEW fucking retainer wall. fuck you are dumb if you do that.
#2 FOUND&LOST these placements im curious about too. Kinda makes me laugh at just the funniness of legos and signs.
email is overthere somewhere -------------------->


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