Monday, September 25, 2006

Karma is great

when you help others, Karma high fives you.
today Huck Gee sent me a thank you present for helping him out a few months back with is financial needs for his court battle to remain in the states.
I didnt have much in my paypal and I was hurting for cash, but I still helped him out.
So today I got a thank you Blue "Hello my name is" dunny in the mail, signed by the man himself


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it!
You put the Blue Huck with the blue Kaws. Nice work amigo!

It was great to see so many people help Huck and not be selfish. Its really cool he hooked you ups too.

My site is coming soon with my work on it, I'll link you when it all goes down brotha!

7:42 AM  

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